What Your New Job Means for Continued Receipt of Alimony

NJ Money Help interviewed attorney Kenneth A. White, Esq. to discuss options after changing jobs while receiving alimony.

Q. I get alimony of $2,000 a month, and now that our kids are older, I went back to work and I earn $65,000 a year. A friend said she was surprised my ex hasn’t talked about lowering my alimony. Is that something he can do?
— Divorced

Mr. White responds with, any time an ex-spouse can establish that there has been a “significant, permanent change of circumstances,” the ex can seek a review and perhaps modification of a support obligation.

Each situation is fact specific and first requires a review of the terms of the Final Judgment of Divorce or Marital Settlement Agreement. There are situations where people agreed to a non-modifiable term of alimony. There are also situations where a spouse, if earning $100,000 at the time the alimony obligation was set, but now is earning $200,000 a year, they may be hesitant to bring the matter to the attention of the court due to a fear of exposing oneself to more debt, whether by way of an increased support obligation or by incurring attorney fees and costs with little likelihood of success.

To read more about how changing jobs might affect your receipt of alimony click here.

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