Child Support

Lawyers Who Can Help With


Child support is one of the most stressful family law matters that people face because it directly affects the people they care about most—their children. Each situation is different. Over the years, the lawyers at Shane and White, LLC, have seen a full range of situations.

We have represented parents whose exes refused to pay, parents who had made the mistake of paying too much support “off the record,” parents who lost jobs and could no longer afford to pay and parents whose children’s needs changed so that they required more support.

Our experience has taught us that the best way to approach child support conflicts is with care and diligence. We are understanding and exceptionally thorough, taking the time to talk with you about your situation, working to uncover any information that could affect your case.

Our approach has helped us achieve a history of positive outcomes for families throughout New Jersey and a reputation for ethical and professional conduct in the legal community.

New Jersey

Child Support Guidelines

In New Jersey, child support is usually determined according to series of child support guidelines, although the court may depart from those guidelines in certain circumstances such as high-income-earning families. The guidelines apply when support is established or modified. They take into account factors such as the income of both parents and the time that a child spends with each parent. Things like hidden costs of caring for the children, substantial financial obligations, and medical and dental insurance expenses may also be considered.

S & W

Read About

Uniform Interstate Family Support Act

Even in situations where the non-custodial parent lives out of state, child support obligations can be collected. The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) requires employers (in-state and out-of-state) to coordinate with other states to ensure compliance with income withholding orders. This act ensures that only one order for support, for a particular child, is enforced at any one time. The UIFSA also allows a custodial parent to register an order in the non-custodial parent’s state to enforce that order and, under certain circumstances, permits modifications.

At Shane and White, LLC, we can assist with matters related to the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA). We have in-depth knowledge of even complex child support and family law matters, and we can help you take action.

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Contact Us For Help

With Your Child
Support Concerns


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No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.